I remember when my to-do list was in charge. I was very busy, doing all of “the things.” And in theory, being busy used to have it’s own badge of honor in my mind. It meant I was productive, successful, doing life “right.”

And yet, I was depleted. Disconnected. Overwhelmed. Stressed.
Do some of these thoughts sound familiar?
“I’ll be happier when ____”
“I’ll find more time to work on feeling calmer when _____”
“Everything will be great once _____ happens”
We all have a tendency to give over our personal power to the DOING.
But our personal power actually lives in our BEING.
We can activate our desired feelings, even in the middle of the chaos.
We have the power to change how we feel in the moment - through our mind, through our breath, through taking a pause.
We have the power to choose - to renew how we honor ourselves. To restore from all of the stress. To tap into our personal power. And to reconnect with our inner bliss.
I would love to teach you some of my favorite tools that can help you reclaim your personal power, as well as let you experience some of the renewal and bliss that comes from implementing these practices!
I invite you to JOIN ME for this very fun online weekend immersion experience - The Inner Bliss Immersion!
It will be held on zoom with two live calls and four daily recorded practices to implement over the 4 days. The live calls with be Thursday and Sunday evening, to open and close your weekend with intention and taking that moment to allow yourself to just BE.
Breathwork, meditation, sound bath, eft, journaling. The tools to reawaken your personal power and tap into that inner bliss!
Mark your calendars for April 20 - 23rd.

Allow yourself to open up to how extraordinary and powerful you really are. To bring your personal power into your day and week, I invite you to journal on these prompts:
When I think of times that I have truly felt alive in my personal power, what was happening? What did that feel like in my body?
What part of that version of me would like to show up in my life today?
What little but profound shifts can I make in my daily life to BE that way today? This week?

When I stand in my radiant personal power, I am grateful for the feelings of bliss and deep fulfillment which allows me to just BE.
Cheers to reconnecting with your personal power and inner bliss!
With love,