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Self-Care is Soul Care

Do you want to know the secret to living a life of love, a life of contentment, a life of fulfillment? Read on. It’s accessible to you right now by incorporating a self-care practice.

“The beautiful spring came; and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also.” Harriet Ann Jacobs

Spring is such a hopeful time, with new beginnings. Our environment is ready to blossom. And so is our soul. Are you read to nourish that? Let’s start to think of self-care as soul care. And it’s our path to blossoming.


Living a fulfilling life is not as difficult or elusive as our brain would have us think it is. Because it starts with taking care of ourselves. Yes, the simple practice of self care has a much bigger importance in your life, as it is truly soul care.

Stay with me – because it really is that simple.

We need to reframe those recurring negative thoughts. And allow in love. And that starts in the form of self-care.

If that makes you want to roll your eyes, then take a moment to look at that thought with curiosity.

Can you reframe the idea of self-care into the idea of soul care? That’s a worthwhile endeavor, right?

Do we love ourselves in the way that we love others? It is so important to maintain a healthy relationship with ourselves! Besides the benefits of reducing stress and improving our overall well-being, it also creates an example. When we take care of ourselves, we are teaching others around us how to care for us. And sometimes more importantly, how to care for themselves!


What does self-care even mean? It is actually specific to YOU and your needs. It is being intentional to determine what is missing for you, and proactively choosing to enhance your daily life.

It can be physical self-care, like: exercise, eating well, getting enough sleep, and finding time to get fresh air and even be in nature. Or more simply, physical self-care can be a face mask or epsom salt baths.

(If you want some skincare tips, be sure to check out my other skincare posts, such as this one about At-Home Facials):

Self-care can also be mental and emotional care practices, such as a mindfulness practice, with meditation, gratitude, and social connections as hugely fulfilling options. It’s creating small nourishing moments right now of being present, aware, and grateful. It’s also about rediscovering what bring us joy – and actively incorporating that into our daily lives.

(Be sure to check out my Six Simples Ways to Practice Gratitude post, as well as my free five-day Gratitude Practice challenge, which you can download from my home page and receive five days of videos to guide you through starting a Gratitude Practice).

This is not a luxury or self-indulgent. It is a necessity. It increases our ability to handle stress better. It increases our peacefulness. It increases our joy.

After this past year, we are all more aware now more than ever the importance of nourishing our own souls. You are the only one that can do this. No one can do it for you.


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