This week has an abundance of things to celebrate!
Happy Father’s Day to all of the father figures in your life
Happy New Moon (also today, the 18th) - which is the perfect time to set new intentions, and
Happy Summer Solstice on Wednesday, the longest day of the year!
The week of the Summer Solstice brings us an abundance of sunlight, which always makes me happy! The Latin roots of the word “solstice” mean that the sun is standing still. How cool is that?
You don’t have to be into astrology to know that this is also a time that nature is abundant and teeming with life!
It’s a perfect day (and week) to harness the power of this abundance, reconnect with yourself and celebrate the beauty of nature. Instead of thinking of abundance just as money, think of it as a spiritual concept. My favorite quote from my upcoming book is that true abundance is success of the soul.
I invite you to look at this week as your mid-year renewal. There is so much light. So much time to fit in play and fun and joy. Even if you are busy all day, let the playful energy of the day and week find its way into your everyday activities.

Focus on the abundance in your life, and explore what new intentions you’d like to set as part of your mid-year renewal. Where do you feel the most abundant? In what area of your life would you like to cultivate more abundance? How could you support yourself in making that vision a reality? Free write and see what comes to you.

Invitation for the moms of college kids:
Are you dreading the college drop off and the many layers of challenges with it? Would you love to set the intention to not be a total mess? Then join me in July for my Energy Empowerment Bootcamp! I have an abundance of tools in my tool kit and I truly believe my practices helped me so much with managing the stress and sadness of this process. This is a two week online immersion to reset your nervous system and build your resilience before the big day! We’ll even talk about how to make it fun! Learn more and join us here:
I will also be creating a longer term group container for moms of college students to Nourish and Flourish! Stay tuned for more on that…
Wishing you a summer solstice week filled with fun!
With love,
P.S. Do you have friends that would enjoy Sanctuary Sundays? Forward them this email and they can sign up here.
P.S.S. If you are local, join me on Wednesday night for the Summer Solstice Sound Bath that I am hosting at SALT Fitness in Kenilworth at 7 pm. Raise your vibration and soothe your soul! Sign up here: