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Alchemy ... Sanctuary Sunday

I wanted to share with you an incredible concept that has been transformative in my own life and might resonate deeply with you as well—alchemy.

Alchemy definition: A seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination.

Throughout history, alchemy has been associated with the quest to transmute base metals into gold. However, in a metaphorical sense, alchemy represents a profound process of personal transformation, wherein we harness the power within ourselves to overcome limiting beliefs and manifest the vision that resides deep within our hearts and souls.

Often, we are held back by self-imposed limitations, doubts, and fears. These beliefs, though intangible, have a remarkable ability to hinder our growth and prevent us from fully embracing our true potential. But here's the beauty of alchemy—it teaches us that we possess the innate power to change our reality.

I will tell you, this book writing and editing process has been a doozy for me! I finished the manuscript over a year ago, but the editing process - just wow. Talk about needing to transform and alchemize some of my internal stories and blocks to get this thing done! While it hasn’t always felt magical, it has been a true experience of alchemy. (We are in the formatting stage, by the way, so it really is coming soon)!

I’m so grateful to have gone through this process as it uncovered so many ways in which I hold myself back, which is actually what the book is all about. If I can alchemize my own stories that cause me to get in my own way and turn them into stories of empowerment, so can you.

A big part of the alchemy process for me has been the embodiment of the tools that I teach: daily breathwork, meditation, journaling, and/or mindful living, like getting in nature or having a little solo dance party. Don’t underestimate the power of the little things that work together to help you create a new reality. They are a seemingly magical process that can enhance your life in countless ways. And I really think I have cracked the code on the combination of these embodiment tools! Yes, the base metals of your life can be alchemized into gold.

Reflect and journal on these prompts:

  • What would you like to transform, create, and alchemize in your life?

  • A hobby that could be a business? A book that is inside you, waiting to enter the world? Better health? Less stress? What habits get in the way of you following through on that vision?

  • In parenting your kids, what story do you want to alchemize and create a new empowering version of how you show up and cultivate your role? If your child is a teen or leaving for college, what would your ideal outcome be for that relationship and how can you cultivate that?

If you are looking for 1:1 support to shed that self-doubt and create some gold in your life, I have one spot left in June.

Wishing you a week filled with magical transformation and creation!

With love,



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