Figuring out your purpose and “what’s next” can feel like such a big question. There are a lot of stories and meanings behind what purpose might mean to you, and the struggle comes from the fact that our mind is trying to figure out the best answer for us.
But the answer is really in your heart and soul.
I was reminded this week of one of my favorite stories about Michelangelo and his masterpiece statue of David. (I love it so much it’s in my first podcast episode, my book, and my workshops!). When Michelangelo was asked about the difficulties he was assumed to have encountered in creating his masterpiece, he replied “I saw this big piece of marble, and I saw David in it, and the only thing that I needed to do was remove the pieces that were unnecessary.”
This beautiful analogy is true for each of us. We know deep inside of us what our purpose is, and we need to see the greatness in ourselves. Sometimes we just need to chip away at some of the rocks and layers that hold us back from really feeling authentic, present, and finding joy again in our lives.
You do this when you slow down and tap into the wisdom of your heart and soul to remember the most authentic version of you.
Your innate nature is your gift to the world.
And when we live from that state, the journey is the purpose.

Reflect on what the word “Purpose” means to you, and what area of your life you’d like to be living in your purpose more authentically. I invite you to journal on these prompts, and ask your heart and soul for the answers:
What rocks am I carrying around that aren’t necessary anymore?
I would be living more fully in my purpose if I added ___________.
I would be living more fully in my purpose if I released ___________.
In the short term, even today or this week, what action item could I take towards living more fully in my purpose?
How would I feel when I do that?

I love seeing each of you connect more fully with your purpose. Let me know what you decide to add this week!