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Sacred Rest... Sanctuary Sundays

Happy Mother’s Day! Sending love to all of the mothers and daughters out there. I hope today fills your cup.

Remember that you can give maternal love and nourish yourself with deep self-care and sacred rest any time you make the intentional decision to do so.

Have you ever heard of Yoga Nidra? It is not a movement class! It is a deep form of meditation, where you get super cozy, lie still, and go on a journey of your body, mind, and soul. It’s a special practice that allows you to feel how radiant and sacred deep rest can be.

If you’d like to gift yourself (or someone you love) this experience on Tuesday evening, May 16th (in two days!) at 7:00 pm CT, I am guiding a Sacred Rest: Yoga Nidra and Sound Bath session online for a women’s group called The Deep End. Guests are welcome, and it is $30. Just click the link below to sign up, and the zoom link to join the experience will be emailed to you.

Give yourself the gift of silence. Take 5 to 10 minutes, lie down, and just close your eyes. Let these few quiet moments serve as deep and sacred restoration.

I’d love to see you at this online event on Tuesday night, and I have a few openings in June for private sessions. Just reach out to learn more.

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