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Coming Home... Sanctuary Sunday

Even though I love to travel, there is nothing more comforting than coming home. There comes a moment of realization - a yearning to return home. Back in my cozy bed, using my favorite mug, reading in my cherished spot. I can feel the “welcome back” in my energy and in my bones. Does this happen to you, too?

It’s a crazy time, this last leg of summer, and the balance of coming home and getting ready to launch. We are fitting in those last vacations and weekends away. We are getting the kids ready to go back to school. For those of us with college-age kids, we’re prepping them and ourselves for their departure. And in the midst of this, there is nothing more important than emotionally and spiritually coming home to ourselves.

I really believe that all of our life journeys can be viewed as a spiritual adventure. When you come home to yourself from a spiritual perspective, this creates a sense of gratitude and grounding. And from this place, you can grow. As your children move through the world, your heart gets to explore and expand with their new stages and with yours.

The journey of self-discovery is a sacred one. The greatest spiritual adventure we can go on is coming home to ourselves.

Reflection: Take a moment to reflect on the concept of "coming home to yourself." How does it resonate with you, both in your daily life and from a spiritual perspective? Are there any barriers or distractions that prevent you from reconnecting with your true essence?

with Love and Light,


P. S. This is an invitation for moms of college kids to go on the journey of coming home to yourself! Please share this with the other moms of college kids in your life. Referrals are how people can find out about this community! It means the world to me.

My FREE private podcast, Launch with Confidence: Empowering Moms as Kids Fly the Nest.”

The Nourish and Flourish Membership Circle for moms of college-bound kids! The first live call is on August 16th! Sign up now and the College Prep for Moms Bootcamp is free! Check that out here:

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